Dimitris Skitzis
Insurance Agent, Real Estate Agent, Energy Consultant

Find what you are looking for, in the right price, with prompt service from the beginning till compensation!
Find the help you need in order to settle down in Greece!
In need for health insurance for your residence permit? We can put our knowledge from our thirty year experience into use and help you find the insurance you need or even the ideal place to settle down in this beautiful country!
Through various colaborations we can offer services of
Landline and Mobile contracts
Special plans with Vodafone and Nova.

Have you ever wondered why you should choose an agent instead of a bank or internet contract?
- it is in the insurance agents interest to offer you the best possible solution
- they are constantly trained in order to have an annual recertification, according to the law
- they are compulsorily insured with third party liability
- they can provide assistance beyond regular office hours
Do you wish to be informed about the latest news regarding insurance, road tax payments and everything you might need to know upon your arrival in Greece?
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The right agent can lead the way
Official Partner of
Heron Power Company
Insurance Motivation: Apokoronou 93-97, 73134, Chania, 3rd Floor.
Call us:
Γ.Ε.ΜΗ 74457358000
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